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Replacement parts for the RC-220 rubber wall-base cutter. View product details for part options.
RC‐A02 Left Rotation Plate Assembly - Rotating Plate, Sleeve (No. 20), Nylon Stop (No. 19)
RC‐A03 Right Rotation Plate Assembly - Rotating Plate, Sleeve (No. 20), Nylon Stop (No. 19)
RC‐A04 Handle Assembly- Threaded - Handle (No.13), Handle Ball (No. 14), Hook (No. 12)
RC‐A04U Handle Assembly - Unthreaded- Handle (No.13), Handle Ball (No. 14), Hook (No. 12)
RC‐A05 Angle Handle Assembly - Handle (No. 23), Screw (No. 24)
RC‐P47 Lock Nut M8 (No. 47)
RC‐P48 Wiing Nutt (No. 48)
RC‐P49 Rear Wheel (No. 49)
RC‐P59 Spring (No.59)
RC‐P78 Front Wheel (No. 78)
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